Every year, I make a resolution to read more books. I grew up loving the feeling of getting lost in a story, learning about a life I never imagined possible. As an adult, books have become a way to escape the chaos, to empower myself to do more, and still to imagine and learn about a life I never imagined possible.
Here are this year's must-read books:
My Life in Full Indra Nooyi I saw an interview with this author and was instantly in awe of the way she worded her experience in Corporate America. Her book was written as a way for us to begin to consider how we can support women in the workforce as they raise young families while also trying to make their way up the corporate ladder. The way she views this as a community issue makes me so happy and this is definitely a book I hope everyone will read and learn from.
Think Like A Monk Jay Shetty The author of this book is one of my favorite people to listen to because of the intense journey he took to learn and understand human life in a real way He speaks about practical steps anyone can take to find the peace and calm that monks have discovered over the years. This is. great book for people who deal with stress and anxiety on a daily basis.
Atlas of the Heart Brene Brown This exploration of human emotions is a really, really good coffee table book. It is a lot of pages and a lot of words - definitely not a light read on a Saturday afternoon. I enjoy flipping through the pages and engaging with some of the lessons throughout the book which provide so many ideas about navigating how we feel about ourselves and about our communities.
Three Cups of Tea Greg Mortenson This book means a lot to me because it is a story with so many similarities to my own. It's all about the life of a mountaineer who came across an impoverished village and promised to build them a school. The journey he is on and the lessons he learns makes for a great read. Very inspiring for those of you who are community-minded, who are longing to serve others.
The Four Agreements Don Miguel Ruiz So often, we find ourselves unable to move forward. We use the excuse that there isn't time or there isn't money. In reality, it is our own self-limiting beliefs that are holding us back. This book, based on ancient Toltec wisdom, provides a "code of conduct" to guide you through a life transformation into freedom and happiness. It's a great way to open your mind and hear to figure out what's holding you back.